Kirby Time

   I have hear that Kirby mass attack is awesome, but I want to know if it is awesome enough for me to buy. I own Kirby ultra and is is AWESOME!!XD Kirby yarn adventer is pretty good but not not my favorite. That is 'cause it is mostly all art. You cannot do the thing that is the reason everyone loves Kirby, and that thing is eating you enemys and being able to use their ability's. Instead you get an yarn lasso instead -_-not as awesome but at lest it's something. So i was wondering if any of you would be so kind enough to tell me through comments if i should buy the game. I know it is old but i want to own all the Kirby games.X3


  1. I know at less one person has to have read this so please tell me if you know.=3

  2. YES!!!! I CAN AD I WILL!!!!X3 I'm also making a human version of regular time that is 12 pages so far. I'm going to post the firt 2 pages and see what people say!XP

  3. You only get to body slam things, not inhale. You can have up to ten kirbys at a time but yes, the game is hard. I liked it but it didn't feel like a normal kirby game. Oh well. Final decision is up to you.
