Monday, July 16, 2012

science my way manga

        Sorry i havent posted any thing for a whole weekend ,but that is because i went boat tubeing with so friends!(and it was fun) The we stayed in a cabin, but there was no internet/outlets there! So here is an preview of science my way. And my trip will be made into a comic to! Well bye and enjoy your summer!
P.S. please read a comment


  1. What? ^-^ (the game zelda for swords?)

  2. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It is a preview of the 10 pages i have made, and this scene is to show that H2O particles are as attracted to each other as very close brothers!( im wondering if I should continue?)

  4. Ok then i will continue the series!!=3 And I warn you the awesomeness will be so bright that one would need shades to not become blind!!>:P
    (it's educational!)And I will continue the Kirby fan fiction also!
