Wednesday, July 11, 2012

science my way 1

<3arent they cute together<3!!!!!!<3 X3 
This is how the water particles might look like in my comic!(fyi this is a 5 min sketch, and manga molcules are soo cute =^=)
The first science comic is based on you know when water and oil seporate from each other, because the water molicules attaction to each other(like a bro.x bro. realtionship or very close friends) Well the iol trys over and of the come bettween them(like a loner and out case trying to make friends) But the water wont let the fat through(because they are attracted to each other). Then acid(as you know braeks down the water so the fat mixes in)Tise up both water molicules and take takes them to seprate places(that is why acid will be a gothic, punk dude). Then 2 hours later acid sarts coughing saying that he is going to die if he dont get some contact with another acid. Water is a nice guy so he nurses acid for 30 min.. then says "YEAH" Then runs out of the shed and reunits with his bro./other molicule in 1 hour 30 min. That is cause after you ad acid the oil and water mixer is separated after 4 hours.


  1. heh heh. nice work.
    ''Why are you always judging me because I believe in Science?'' --Esquelito, Nacho Libre

  2. LOL I like that quote! So do you think I should do this science thing? And I been wondering if you know what is Hetalia is?
